Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Week 3, Day 3

I've been trying very hard to not take naps during the day. I like sleeping through the night and being able to achieve deep sleep - I think that's called stage 3 sleep where you have rapid eye movements and you actually get the best rest of the night.
Anyway, I'm very fatigued today. My Brother picked me up from chemo around 1pm and I took him to lunch at Philly Connection. That greasy foot long didn't stand a chance. It's day three of my tough week, and that means that the IV comes out and I get to take a real shower, just like a big boy! I did just that when I got home, and then I was headed for nappy-land. Full tummy, clean body, no responsibility - only one thing to do.
Hopefully this won't disrupt my REM tonight. I'm still exhausted so I'm guessing not.
Especially since Keith just brought me a pizza from Savage - full belly again, a shower would do me in right now...


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