Wednesday, April 13, 2005

What are the chances

I've been thinking about the events leading up to my diagnosis and surgery and chemo treatment lately. Stacy and I had this year planned out to be a big one - we were going to be making a lot of changes and taking on some risk in exchange for a potentially huge reward. Basically, we were going to sell the house and buy a new one, which we planned on tearing down in a few years once we had more capital coming in to use to build a new house, which we would then sell for a profit.

That's all been postponed.

But in preparation for that, I refinanced into an interest-only mortgage last year to free up some monthly cash, which I then used to renovate the bathrooms and kitchen, so that we could fetch a higher price in resale of the townhouse. Now that that's done, my mortgage payment is still very low - which helps when you no longer have income.

At the time of my diagnosis, I had an offer on the table for a property down the street. It was contingent on the sale of my townhouse, but had it all worked out, my mortgage payment would have doubled from what it is now. That was part of the plan, but again... The whole no longer having an income thing would have made short work of it.

Come to think of it, I had my surgery on 11FEB05 and was terminated from my employer 28FEB05. I wouldn't have let myself have a gap in insurance, but I was researching indemnity insurance before my diagnosis, which would have left my deductibles in the thousands instead of the co-pay system that I have now. Hey, what's the worst that can happen to a healthy guy in his 20's?!!!

In short, a whole lot of things fell in place in February that could have gone the other way, and I'd be in some pretty hard times if they had.


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