Sunday, May 08, 2005

Last Chemo Treatment Day

Nurse Stephanie and the "Chemo King" on my last day in the chair.
I had my last treatment this past Friday. I showed up, late, as I normally do when I'm feeling bad - and as I walked around the corner into the Chemo room, I saw that all the Nurses had made a sign for my pole, a "Chemo King" crown for my head, and even a breakfast muffin to celebrate my last day! It was certainly unexpected and I was very appreciative. I tell you, these people are top notch - above and beyond until the bitter end.

I'm feeling pretty bad this weekend and haven't made it out of the house. I'm very nausious and tired, so I'm sleeping most of the time. Temp has been normal and hopefully that will stay consistant. My next appointment is on Thursday, to go get my blood counts checked again. Truth be told, once again, if I make it past Tuesday without an ER trip, I'm essentially in the clear. It's all upwards and onwards from here!


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